Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Childhood Nightmares: A Pinocchio Analysis

I probably don't need to explain too heavily why Pinocchio would be talked about on a blog dedicated to all things creepy and disturbing. But I'm going to anyways because I blocked out this movie for years over one particular scene that I'll get to in a second.

And before we go too far, I want to make clear this is purely focused on the Disney movie. My Grandpa did start to read the actual book to me as a kid but we never finished, unfortunately. I already know that the original source material for this movie was far darker, but maybe I'll save that for another time.

The strange thing about Disney's Pinocchio is that most people remember enjoying it as a kid and there was a lot of subject matter that didn't really affect them. Except for, again, that one scene, which is still coming later. What was weird to me as a kid, however, was the fact that my mom really didn't seem to like the movie and kept emphasizing that a lot of it was scary, especially if you're a parent. I sort of shrugged this off, thinking she was just being overly sensitive. My mom and I have always had different tolerance levels when it comes to horror or disturbing subject matter, after all (not to pick on her. I love my mom!).

But when you re-visit the movie as an adult, it becomes a different experience entirely. What might have seemed like a whimsical story about a puppet learning how to build up his moral compass becomes a scary story about neglect, abuse, manipulation, and just an ugly town with characters bent on taking advantage on naive kids. While I could write ballads about all of this, I'm just going to break it down as briefly as I can.

Geppetto is a terrible parent...

Now to be clear, Geppetto is not a bad person. From the start of the movie we see that he's a very sweet-hearted old man, insanely talented as a clock and toy maker, and has two pets he treats with complete adoration and affection. He is a genuinely good person.

We also see his genuine desire to be a good father to Pinocchio. When he is granted his wish from the Blue Fairy and finally has a little boy, he welcomes Pinocchio with open arms and celebrates with him. He plans to send Pinocchio right off to school so he can learn like all little kids should. All of those points are good things and his heart is clearly in the right place.

So what makes him such a terrible parent in this movie? His complete obliviousness to Pinocchio's real needs and being almost completely negligent to his son's wellbeing. From the start, it's obvious Pinocchio has no idea what being a living being entails. He doesn't understand why he shouldn't play with fire, asks why people need sleep at all, and doesn't understand what the words "right" and "wrong" mean. He is completely naive, new to the concept of being a living thing, and clearly needs some time to adapt and learn more about his new life before plunging headfirst into trying to be a normal child.

This doesn't happen. Instead, the very next morning after Pinocchio comes to life, Geppetto sends him right out the door to go to school, not only expecting Pinocchio to understand how to ignore strangers and know his way to the school all on his own, but he also anticipates the outside world to just turn a blind eye to the fact that a LIVING PUPPET is suddenly walking among them with zero explanation. Even in the magical universe that is Disney, someone's going to notice that, if not everyone. And it's likely to be a terrifying experience for them. Or, if they're more of the villainous type, it's the perfect opportunity to exploit this oddity. Which is exactly what happens. Really, nearly the whole plot of this movie could have been avoided if Geppetto had just used his head and thought about what he was doing.

Stranger Danger...

One of a parent's worst nightmares is their child disappearing without a trace. It's one of those horrible realities that people have to prepare for and take precautions to avoid. Unfortunately, Pinocchio is still brand new to the world and knows nothing about any of this (and as mentioned above, Geppetto did nothing to teach him). This makes him a very easy target before even addressing the fact that he's a freak of nature, bound to attract attention.

The fact that there are characters immediately ready to take advantage of him is terrifying, and it naturally doesn't take much to trick him. What makes it worse, however, is it happens more than once. The first time Pinocchio runs into Honest John, he gets tricked into being sold to Stromboli, an extremely angry and violent individual who locks Pinocchio in a cage and tells him that once he becomes old and useless, he'll be chopped into firewood. 

Stromboli is the first instance in the movie of what could easily be described as the Disney-friendly version of human trafficking. And that's not to downplay the horrors of real human trafficking. Obviously a work of fiction does not compare to the real thing, especially when it's a children's cartoon. But let me elaborate a bit on my reasoning for labeling it as such. Even if Pinocchio isn't being sold for... well, what human trafficking usually sells its victims for, it's still a disturbing concept. He's taken from his home by force, locked up so there's no escape, and is intended to be forced to perform in front of people for the rest of his life, which will end in a violent manner.

He is given a second chance when the Blue Fairy rescues him, but almost immediately after, he gets tricked again by the same people who betrayed him the first time. Of course they promise that this time it'll be different and he won't suffer, and he falls for it. This could be reminiscent of the cycle of abuse (grooming, violence, apology, repeat), and I can't help but wonder that if Pinocchio was taught anything about manipulative liars and how to spot someone who means harm, would things have turned out differently? 

Okay... I've stalled long enough, so let's get to...

That Scene...

If Honest John and Stromboli were only a minor reference to human trafficking, they barely hold a candle to The Coachman, who may arguably be one of the most evil villains featured in a Disney cartoon. As a kid, my mom used to talk about how she felt Stromboli was the scariest character of the movie, and while he definitely was unsettling for his brief screen time, he just didn't compare. Not by a long shot.

When we're first introduced to The Coachman, we know something's very wrong with this guy. The fact that Honest John immediately assumes he's being hired to perform a hit for him should be enough of a hint that this character is a monster.

Again, this feels like a heavy lead-in to human trafficking as the conversation takes place. He explains that he's looking for "stupid little boys" and wants Honest John to help lure them to him. After he explains he plans to then take the boys to Pleasure Island, he adds that he has no worries about the authorities catching on because, "They never come back as boys..." Obviously, you can assume that he doesn't mean exactly what this sounds like, but it's still a frightening line that I'll explain further in a second.

Pleasure Island, despite what creepy images the name alone might plant in your head, is still a messed up place but for completely different reasons. Here, the kids are encouraged to binge drink beer, smoke cigars, smash and destroy anything they get their hands on, and basically just do whatever they want (and I will admit... that kinda looked fun when I was a kid). Underage drinking/smoking aside, they're lured into this false sense of security where they can be themselves without being punished, and the friendly Coachman encourages them all to do it. All the while, the children never notice the figures in black, shutting and locking the gates so there's no way they can get out. They're trapped and unable to realize it until it's way too late. 

And then... that scene... Oh God, that scene...

We discover in one of the most horrifying scenes ever presented in a cartoon, that the children are being turned into donkeys to be sold to places like the salt mines or the circus. Even more upsetting is the ones that didn't fully complete the transformation are tossed into a pile on the side and deemed useless. We never learn of their fate but I can only assume it's not good. Watching Lampwick discover what's happening to him and frantically scream for his mother, all while knowing no one is coming to save him, is a hard thought for even a kid to swallow.

What makes this scene so much worse as an adult is having that full understanding that the children are being robbed of their humanity through the transformation and just how awful of a concept that really is. This was always a horrifying concept to me to the point where I've never been able to watch The Dark Crystal more than once because of that goddamn podling scene, and I still struggle through Willow because of the pig scene. Since we still see emotions of fear and sadness coming from the donkeys as they're being sold off, it almost dips more into, "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream," territory. They know what's happening to them, but they'll never be able to call for help or tell anyone. Even if they were to somehow bump into their families later in life, they'll never be able to tell them, "Help! It's me! I'm still alive!" Again, this also feels eerily similar to human trafficking. They're robbed of their humanity, sold to the highest bidder, and silenced so they can never reach out for help.

"They never come back... as boys..."

Their only hope is that someone somewhere discovers what the Coachman is doing and puts a stop to it. But that never happens. There is no final comeuppance, no justice, the children are never saved, and The Coachman is likely still doing this long after the movie is over. I mean, we can hope Pinocchio or Jiminy alerted someone about this after they're safe at home again, but we ultimately never know if they did. Even after he reunites with Geppetto and gets asked what happened to him, he goes quiet and doesn't tell him and that's honestly heartbreaking when you think about the fact that he's a victim of trauma and just a child.

Now, I could write about Monstro and how terrifying that whale of a whale was, but he gets a pass because, unlike the other characters who played the villain, Monstro was just an animal. Not a vindictive, manipulative, horrible piece of garbage. Just an animal living as an animal would. If someone happened to get swallowed along the way, it wasn't entirely deliberate, it was because he was hungry. So while he is his own brand of nightmare fuel, it's not in the same way as the characters I've described above.

For the record, I am scared to death of whales and 

this movie may have had something to do with it.

Looking back, I remember loving this film as a kid and thinking it was just another story of adventure where important lessons are learned along the way. But now that I'm older, a parent, and have had a bit more life experience, Pinocchio is not what I remembered it to be. I'm not saying I don't still love the movie. I do! In fact, I've found more bits to love about it, re-watching it as an adult. But the thing is, it's far from a happy movie. Just because it has a happy ending does not mean it's a happy movie. Pinocchio embarks on a horror story of being manipulated, used, imprisoned, nearly killed several times, being made to watch as new friends are subjected to a cruel fate, and only barely managing to make it home alive. And again, he's just a child. He single-handedly goes through a gauntlet of horrors most adults will never see in their entire lifetime, just in the span of a few days.

I don't know what sort of adult he ultimately grew up to become, but I wouldn't doubt that this misadventure messed him up for a long time.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

"I Feel Fantastic..": The Robot That Freaked Out Youtube

The weird part of YouTube has often been a treasure trove of bizarre, sometimes creepy material, and it comes with the territory that the more bizarre and seemingly random the subject matter is, the more likely it'll become the source of some notorious internet urban legends.

Probably one of the most recognizable is Tara the singing robot.

On April 15, 2009, a video was uploaded on YouTube by the user Creepyblog entitled, "I Feel Fantastic." The video focused on a pale android that looked like something plucked straight from the oddest part of the uncanny valley, singing the words "I feel fantastic, hey hey hey... You feel fantastic, hey hey hey..." repeatedly along with some other ominous lines that we'll get to in a minute. The video eventually went viral and due to its complete lack of context, it was only natural for the internet to begin speculating. And in case you are someone who hasn't run across this weird piece of internet history, take a look at the video below:

The combination of the robot's appearance and the strange song left many confused, and the video's description didn't help things either:

“In ancient Greek mythology, Pygmalion was a highly accomplished Cypriot sculptor. Though skilled at imitating the human form, and well acquainted with it’s subtleties, he became disgusted by it when he witnessed the Propoetides prostituting themselves. These women were punished by Venus for their lack of worship with a coarseness of skin and a crudeness of nature, and were then forced into prostitution. Seeing this, Pygmalion the sculptor was repelled and could no longer appreciate women.
Seemingly alone, Pygmalion sought to create for himself a perfect, pure, unsullied companion. He used his particular skills to this end: he created a statue bride.

What you are about to watch is a mysterious video. It’s origin is attributed variously, and almost certainly spuriously, to various abstract artists or surrealists. The truth is that what we are seeing, and what we perceive to be strange and disturbing, is actually beauty to it’s creator.
Perhaps what we are viewing is the work of a modern Pygmalion.

To him, her toneless voice, the paleness of her skin and the comparative vibrancy of her lips may indeed be the very embodiment of a perfect woman…
Consider the mind-scape of the creator. In whose mind does this appear beautiful? In whose mind is this pure, near worshipful? Are we missing out on his perspective?

Who are we to be afraid or to judge them? He may well love her fully, perhaps more fully than any of us could ever hope to be loved. In the mind of her creator, she is a near goddess; the perfect representation, not just of femininity, but the peak of human potential. A perfectly satisfactory being.

How does that kind of unconditional love feel?

Well, how does she feel?


So where did this thing come from and what was the video supposed to mean if it even was supposed to mean anything? For a while the internet began forming theories, the most popular of which was that the creator of the android was actually a murderer. The reason for this theory came from some unsettling lines in the song she sings. Along with repeating how she feels fantastic, we feel fantastic, we are fantastic, etc., the middle of the song is where things take a turn and she starts singing, "Run, run, run, run... Please leave, please leave, please leave..." There is also a seemingly random shot where the camera zooms in on a wooded area and the robot's clothes even change briefly.

This led to the theory that the robot represented a woman its creator had killed due to her not meeting his standards of perfection (referencing the myth in the description), and he had then built the robot to replace her, dressing it in her clothes and doing his best to make it look like her. The lyrics were supposed to be the things he'd said to her right before her death, and that random shot of the woods? The rumor claimed that was where the body had been buried.

Another theory, also referencing the myth in the description, was that the robot had somehow become fully sentient and murdered its creator. A far less likely theory, but the internet loves its creepypastsas. Obviously, it's always best to pursue these sorts of theories with a healthy dose of skepticism, but that didn't stop people from wondering 'what if?' The answer, while still leaving some questions in its wake, was not nearly as menacing.

The robot's actual name is "Tara" and was created by a man named John Bergeron. She is currently listed on www.androidworld.com and has her own music video you can buy for $11 in the states ($19 everywhere else).

Screenshot from the AndroidWorld homepage.
Promotional image listed on the page that sells Tara's video.
As of writing this, there have been no real updates from John Bergeron himself, offering more of an explanation aside from what we can find on the AndroidWorld website or even Bergeron's original Geocities page. Still, Tara remains one of the best gems in the "that part of YouTube" crown and continues to confuse and freak out new viewers to this day.


Friday, April 19, 2019

Howard Schneider: The Nightmare Dentist of Jacksonville

This entry is not about the Howard Schneider from Long Island who was mistaken for the one who will be covered here. While this blog does not condone abuse sent towards anyone it might cover, please take this as a reminder to always check facts before reacting in any way.
Very few people enjoy their trip to the dentist. Whether it's the fear of a painful procedure, a condescending doctor criticizing your oral hygiene, or the worry that they'll discover a severe problem that requires a painful procedure in the future, the fear of going to the dentist is one that is very well earned. Even Hollywood has helped fuel this fear in the past with dentists often portrayed as sadistic individuals or the idea that every exam is doomed to be an agonizing ordeal.

Steve Martin as Orin Scrivello in Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
So when it turns out that your dentist is in fact an actual monster, that alone can be the stuff of nightmares. But when that monster is also a pediatric dentist, it becomes exponentially worse. Children depend on their parents to keep them safe, to chase away the monsters in the closet and warn them about strangers with candy. So when the danger lies in the hands of someone who is supposed to be a trusted professional, the best way to fight back is to speak out. This would lead to the ultimate downfall of pediatric dentist, Howard Schneider of Jacksonville, Florida.

For several decades, Howard Schneider practiced dentistry on children. He was the only dentist in the area who accepted medicaid and this attracted many low-income families to his practice. Allegations of malpractice starts as early as 1995, though those cases were dropped and the details aren't currently available as of writing this. However, nearly a decade later, one parent would spark enough outrage that finally drew full attention to the sadistic dentist.

In 2014, Brandi Motley brought in her 6-year-old daughter Bri'el for a tooth extraction. Bri'el was taken into the office while her mother had to sit in the waiting room during the procedure. However, when 3 hours passed and she was still not allowed in the room to see her daughter, it became clear something wasn't right. That's when one of the nursing assistants came to fetch her, informing her that there had been an accident.

When Motley was brought into the room, she was greeted with the horrifying scene of her daughter lying face-down on the ground, hyperventilating, and her blood all over the floor. The nurse told her that Bri'el had been on a papoose board, left alone for only a few minutes, and that when they returned they had found her on the floor. But according to Motley, her daughter had bruises and scratches on her body, and her mouth had been packed with bloody gauze. That was when she pulled her daughter immediately out of the office and into her car.

The scene had been enough to make Motley justifiably suspicious, but when Bri'el took the gauze out of her mouth, her worst fears were confirmed. Bri'el told her mother that Schnieder and his nurse had lied and that he had been choking her while pulling out her teeth. Motley then noticed that even though Bri'el had only been scheduled for one extraction, Schneider had instead pulled out eight of her front teeth, prompting the mother to take her daughter straight to the ER. Further examination showed that Bri'el also had a fractured nose, eye, and a bruised hand print on her neck.

Motley attempted to sue the dentist for malpractice, but the lawyer she met with, John Phillips, refused to take the case, informing her it would be nothing more than a case of he-said-she-said that she couldn't win. This did not stop her from trying to expose Schneider, so in April of 2015, Motley took to Facebook, posting the photos taken of her daughter after the procedure, as well as her account as to what happened that day.

The post went viral and soon other angered parents began speaking out about their own experiences. This led to a wave of horror stories being made public, triggering protesters to picket outside of Schneider's office as well as some much-warranted attention from the media.

Possibly the most disturbing piece of evidence to be leaked, was a video that was secretly filmed by a mother named Sherraine Christopher, who had taken her 3-year-old son, Zion, for an appointment. During this visit, Schneider ground down 16 of the toddler's teeth to be fitted for crowns (a procedure the child allegedly did not need) without using painkillers or anesthetic of any kind, nor offering an explanation to the concerned mother. In the video, Zion is seen already strapped down, screaming and kicking while Schneider and the nurse proceed, ignoring the boy's agony.

The video is still available to be seen on YouTube, but viewer discretion is advised as it is disturbing to watch.

With the evidence and outrage mounting, Schneider finally closed the doors to his practice, voluntarily surrendered his medical license, and lawyer John Phillips, who had initially refused to take on the case for Bri'el, had a change of heart and took up a total of 131 individual cases from families against Schneider. At least 104 of those cases were settled while Schneider refused any admission of wrongdoing.

Even though turning over his license spared him from a full investigation from the medical board, Schneider was not able to escape a criminal investigation entirely. In November of 2015, Schneider was arrested and charged with 11 counts of Medicaid provider fraud, alleging that he had collected over $4 million in payments from the government in five years alone. He plead not guilty and was examined by medical professionals who deemed him incompetent to stand trial. They stated he was likely suffering dementia at the time and in 2018, the State Attorney's Office dropped all criminal charges due to his deteriorating mental condition.

While there are still many who feel the former dentist should have faced time in prison for the damage he caused on so many children, Jacksonville parents can at least take comfort in the knowledge that Howard Schneider will not be operating on their children ever again.


Saturday, April 13, 2019

Refbatch: The Russian Dancer

A Note From the Writer:
Let me open this post by saying this took so long to post for a number of reasons. The biggest being it is very hard to get any concrete information on this case as those closely involved are rarely a source of reliable information. The other is the more I've dug into this case, the more depressing it becomes. So before reading this, please be aware that I've done the best I can with my research but everything should be taken with a grain of salt. I will leave links of my sources at the bottom of this post. Whatever the real answers are, much like the case of Chip-Chan, none of them are happy. Most of this post was aided by YouTuber, Atrocity Guide, and her amazing coverage of this case. I will link her video below to check out. I would also like to state before we go any further, if you do end up looking up this user's channel, please do not harass her or mock her. I do not condone that behavior in any way and she does not deserve that.

We've all entered that part of YouTube before. Whether it's a video that seems completely random and makes no sense, or an entire channel we can barely begin to comprehend, we've all been there. Sometimes it's worth it to dig around to find out the meaning of what we're seeing. Sometimes it's a part of an ARG or sometimes it's a piece of interpretive art with a meaning we may have missed. But sometimes there are just more questions than answers and the circumstances just put a bad feeling in the pit in our stomachs. Such is the case with the YouTube user, Anna Matskevich, more infamously known as "Refbatch."

In 2008, Anna began uploading videos to YouTube of a very bizarre nature. They mostly consisted of her shouting rapidly and angrily into the camera, often while wandering the streets, as well as performing short interpretive dances in various states of undress, usually in a snowy forest. Her appearance typically involved some form of very frizzy, disheveled hairstyle, and odd combination of dance attire sometimes not worn completely (ie. arms not in sleeves, tops pushed around her waist, etc.), and heavy eye makeup stylized in an odd manner. The descriptions in her videos were usually written in very broken English with numerous typos and her actual dialogue has been known to be virtually impossible to translate as it consists of a mixture of Russian and English which is spoken so rapidly, it's hard to follow. On top of that, Anna's post history is in the tens of thousands and has spanned numerous channels over the years.

While it's almost impossible to translate what Anna says in her videos, what little has been deciphered reveals her overwhelming belief that the Russian government is watching and harassing her. She believes that she herself has fallen victim to their barbaric practices as punishment for speaking out against them.

The story might sound unlikely but Anna is not the only one making these claims. Her husband, Maxim Belov, who also runs a YouTube channel, has stated that Anna was victimized by the Russian government by being forcibly detained in a psychiatric ward against her will in order to try to silence her. Maxim's channel mainly consists of videos of his wife and in the descriptions he tells the story of her forced psychiatric treatment, along with other claims of abuse. The stories are frightening to think about if they are true, but many have come to believe that Maxim and Anna are exhibiting a condition known as "folie a deux," a phenomenon in which two people share the same delusion due to spending a significant amount of time around each other.

While the general consensus is that she suffers from paranoid schizophrenia (which is the most likely situation based on her behavior, speech patterns, and seemingly compulsive uploading), exploring her claims shines a darker light on the reality of the Russian government and its history. For example, Anna and her husband are by far not the only ones to claim to have been forced into treatment within psychiatric wards as punishment for protesting or speaking out against the Russian government. In fact, this practice has very much existed in Russia's past.

During the reign of the Soviet Union, punitive psychiatry was practiced, incarcerating thousands of dissidents in order to quiet them and prevent an uprising. Most notoriously, the USSR invented a disease called "Sluggish Schizophrenia," claiming the victim was suffering from a slow onset of schizophrenia that surfaced much later in life than schizophrenia typically would. This was used in order to explain away any anti-soviet behavior, claiming that a mentally stable person would not oppose the Soviet Union. The imprisoned dissenters, after being diagnosed, were then subjected to "treatments" such as electroshock therapy without anesthetic, insulin comas, and large amounts of anti-psychotic medication.

Despite punitive psychiatry in Russia essentially being done away with in the 90s, there have been recent claims that the practice is resurfacing. Since 2012, over 30 cases have been reportedly documented. There are varying claims as to the truth to those numbers but the Russian government, unfortunately, has a history of hiding such information, making it difficult to tell what is the truth and what is a fabrication. Given their past as well as their current regime under Vladimir Putin, this isn't entirely beyond the realm of possibility.

Unfortunately, in Anna's case, we may never know if her claims are true. Whether the Russian government is to blame or mental illness, her reality is a sad story and all one can really hope for is that she either receives actual help for whatever condition she may have or that she is and remains safe in her current situation. Currently, Anna can be found on Youtube under the username, "Youdon'tknowyouknow Youknowyoudon't."


*- I am citing Wikipedia because it was a starting point to more legit sources on the history of the Soviet Union and punitive psychiatry cited throughout the page. I recognize that Wikipedia itself should not be considered a legitimate source of information and am not citing it to claim that it is as it can be edited by anyone. But since it led me to other, more informed sources, I'm giving back credit where credit is due.

Goddess Bunny: The Performance Artist Who Became the Star of a "Cursed Video"

First and foremost, I apologize for my long absence. I was doing some research on a different possible topic only to discover a video I th...